Just a list of US Census block numbers and the police districts in which they sit. Join this to US Census tables to get aggregates by precinct, as those precincts existed in 2020. For details see this blog post.

Data license: CC BY-SA 4.0 · Data source: US Census & Chicago Open Data Portal, combined by John Keefe

3,146 rows where dist_num = 10 sorted by rowid descending

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  • 10 · 3,146
Link rowid ▲ GEOID10 dist_num
93208 170313016001003 10
93204 170318305001008 10
93203 170318305003018 10
93146 170318412002020 10
92985 170312909004001 10
92815 170312916001000 10
92814 170318412002008 10
92813 170318415002010 10
92789 170312916001001 10
92788 170318433001048 10
92787 170312912001015 10
92776 170318407002011 10
92760 170312925002008 10
92759 170313018022000 10
92560 170318429004047 10
92553 170312909001003 10
92552 170318387002015 10
92508 170318305003030 10
92507 170318305003006 10
92506 170318305003003 10
92505 170318305003031 10
92243 170318387001034 10
92226 170318387004006 10
92211 170318432001001 10
92210 170318431001019 10
92190 170318435001002 10
92189 170313016001006 10
92188 170313011002012 10
91539 170318413004010 10
91516 170318432002064 10
91515 170318413002017 10
91514 170313008001019 10
91513 170313009003002 10
91512 170313007001017 10
91187 170318431001006 10
91186 170312916001018 10
91174 170313018022010 10
91173 170313006002007 10
91161 170318435001041 10
91160 170318435001018 10
91159 170313018011002 10
91139 170318416001015 10
91138 170318431002015 10
90998 170313018022014 10
90872 170318432002058 10
90868 170312909001009 10
90867 170312909004010 10
90866 170312909004007 10
90865 170312909004011 10
90805 170312922001005 10
90795 170318433001037 10
90794 170318433001023 10
90787 170312922002004 10
90778 170313017021005 10
90777 170318305002001 10
90765 170318432001019 10
90764 170313012001005 10
90763 170318407003020 10
90762 170318413002004 10
90761 170318417001012 10
90760 170318414001006 10
90759 170312925002004 10
90758 170318414002005 10
90746 170318435001006 10
90745 170318435001017 10
90744 170313016002004 10
90743 170313018012018 10
90742 170313018031010 10
90741 170313018032005 10
90740 170313017022002 10
90608 170318416001004 10
90596 170318415002028 10
90462 170318305001014 10
90319 170315601001004 10
90318 170312909004014 10
90317 170312909003000 10
90316 170312909002019 10
90315 170312924002011 10
90078 170318412002029 10
90077 170318433001040 10
90076 170318415001011 10
90075 170318416001022 10
90074 170312922001011 10
90073 170318413002029 10
90072 170318413001004 10
90071 170318432001016 10
90070 170318413003005 10
90069 170312922002017 10
90068 170312924002018 10
90067 170312924002010 10
90066 170312924002014 10
90065 170312922002006 10
90064 170312924001005 10
90063 170318387002013 10
90062 170318387002011 10
90061 170318387002016 10
90060 170318387004008 10
90059 170318415002007 10
90058 170318416001024 10
90057 170318431002010 10

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CREATE TABLE "chicago_2010blocks_2020policedistricts_key" (
  "dist_num" INTEGER