2010 DC population by US Census block, with each block linked to the police district and public service area in which it sits. For details and column descriptions see this blog post.

Data license: CC BY-SA 4.0 · Data source: US Census & DC Open Data Portal, combined by John Keefe

23 rows where P003006 = 2 sorted by P003001 descending

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Suggested facets: P003002, P003003, P003004, P003005, P003007, P003008, P005002, P005003, P005004, P005005, P005006, P005007, P005008, P005009, P005010, P005011, P005012, P005013, P005014, P005015, P005016, P005017, DISTRICT, PSA, NAME, POLDIST_ID, GIS_ID, SECTOR


Link rowid GEO_ID NAME_x P003001 ▲ P003002 P003003 P003004 P003005 P003006 P003007 P003008 P005001 P005002 P005003 P005004 P005005 P005006 P005007 P005008 P005009 P005010 P005011 P005012 P005013 P005014 P005015 P005016 P005017 GEOID10 DISTRICT PSA NAME POLDIST_ID GIS_ID SECTOR
1012 1000000US110010053013001 Block 3001, Block Group 3, Census Tract 53.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 1102 856 51 1 137 2 21 34 1102 986 770 48 0 136 1 5 26 116 86 3 1 1 1 16 8 110010053013001 2 208 208 2 psa_33 2D3
3860 1000000US110010030001001 Block 1001, Block Group 1, Census Tract 30, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 589 305 121 1 31 2 94 35 589 421 249 120 0 31 2 1 18 168 56 1 1 0 0 93 17 110010030001001 3 302 302 3 psa_42 3D1
4402 1000000US110010050022003 Block 2003, Block Group 2, Census Tract 50.02, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 575 427 48 0 49 2 21 28 575 499 380 45 0 49 2 1 22 76 47 3 0 0 0 20 6 110010050022003 3 307 307 3 psa_28 3D3
480 1000000US110010101001005 Block 1005, Block Group 1, Census Tract 101, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 541 395 92 0 37 2 7 8 541 506 374 85 0 36 2 1 8 35 21 7 0 1 0 6 0 110010101001005 2 209 209 2 psa_57 2D3
6501 1000000US110010092032006 Block 2006, Block Group 2, Census Tract 92.03, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 502 67 385 3 11 2 23 11 502 439 58 359 2 10 2 0 8 63 9 26 1 1 0 23 3 110010092032006 5 502 502 5 psa_40 5D1
3990 1000000US110010043001003 Block 1003, Block Group 1, Census Tract 43, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 486 385 34 0 43 2 5 17 486 441 351 32 0 43 2 0 13 45 34 2 0 0 0 5 4 110010043001003 3 301 301 3 psa_31 3D3
2694 1000000US110010040013009 Block 3009, Block Group 3, Census Tract 40.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 440 381 16 1 25 2 6 9 440 411 362 15 1 25 2 0 6 29 19 1 0 0 0 6 3 110010040013009 3 303 303 3 psa_37 3D3
1696 1000000US110010103003011 Block 3011, Block Group 3, Census Tract 103, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 401 71 216 13 7 2 71 21 401 279 45 210 5 7 2 1 9 122 26 6 8 0 0 70 12 110010103003011 4 401 401 4 psa_56 4D1
5961 1000000US110010025011000 Block 1000, Block Group 1, Census Tract 25.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 298 43 182 1 1 2 65 4 298 209 24 180 1 1 1 2 0 89 19 2 0 0 1 63 4 110010025011000 4 404 404 4 psa_48 4D3
4595 1000000US110010041002010 Block 2010, Block Group 2, Census Tract 41, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 248 216 12 1 12 2 5 0 248 232 204 12 1 12 2 1 0 16 12 0 0 0 0 4 0 110010041002010 2 208 208 2 psa_33 2D3
184 1000000US110010077081003 Block 1003, Block Group 1, Census Tract 77.08, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 239 1 236 0 0 2 0 0 239 235 1 232 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 110010077081003 6 603 603 6 psa_15 6D3
2498 1000000US110010019011004 Block 1004, Block Group 1, Census Tract 19.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 225 9 164 0 1 2 36 13 225 172 5 160 0 1 2 0 4 53 4 4 0 0 0 36 9 110010019011004 4 402 402 4 psa_53 4D1
3459 1000000US110010069002006 Block 2006, Block Group 2, Census Tract 69, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 204 127 49 1 11 2 3 11 204 191 120 49 1 11 2 2 6 13 7 0 0 0 0 1 5 110010069002006 1 106 106 1 psa_13 1D3
5244 1000000US110010073011132 Block 1132, Block Group 1, Census Tract 73.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 201 131 48 3 3 2 8 6 201 181 122 46 3 2 2 0 6 20 9 2 0 1 0 8 0 110010073011132 7 703 703 7 psa_8 7D1
808 1000000US110010025011006 Block 1006, Block Group 1, Census Tract 25.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 167 19 79 1 0 2 55 11 167 63 0 62 1 0 0 0 0 104 19 17 0 0 2 55 11 110010025011006 4 404 404 4 psa_48 4D3
777 1000000US110010023012007 Block 2007, Block Group 2, Census Tract 23.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 162 16 126 5 1 2 4 8 162 148 14 125 0 1 0 0 8 14 2 1 5 0 2 4 0 110010023012007 4 407 407 4 psa_47 4D2
6039 1000000US110010050022006 Block 2006, Block Group 2, Census Tract 50.02, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 146 104 15 2 11 2 8 4 146 129 96 15 2 11 2 0 3 17 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 110010050022006 3 307 307 3 psa_28 3D3
5705 1000000US110010095053004 Block 3004, Block Group 3, Census Tract 95.05, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 114 0 97 0 0 2 15 0 114 99 0 97 0 0 2 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 110010095053004 4 406 406 4 psa_54 4D2
691 1000000US110010020021019 Block 1019, Block Group 1, Census Tract 20.02, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 102 6 73 0 4 2 15 2 102 81 4 70 0 4 2 0 1 21 2 3 0 0 0 15 1 110010020021019 4 404 404 4 psa_48 4D3
1781 1000000US110010084101018 Block 1018, Block Group 1, Census Tract 84.10, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 92 43 46 0 0 2 0 1 92 90 42 46 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 110010084101018 1 104 104 1 psa_21 1D2
1599 1000000US110010011001003 Block 1003, Block Group 1, Census Tract 11, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 77 73 0 0 2 2 0 0 77 73 71 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 110010011001003 2 201 201 2 psa_55 2D1
6204 1000000US110010095012005 Block 2005, Block Group 2, Census Tract 95.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 71 1 59 3 0 2 5 1 71 63 1 58 3 0 0 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 2 5 0 110010095012005 4 405 405 4 psa_49 4D2
1953 1000000US110010095013003 Block 3003, Block Group 3, Census Tract 95.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 59 0 48 5 1 2 3 0 59 54 0 48 5 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 110010095013003 4 405 405 4 psa_49 4D2

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "dc_2010blocks_2020policedistricts_population" (
  "NAME_x" TEXT,
  "P003001" INTEGER,
  "P003002" INTEGER,
  "P003003" INTEGER,
  "P003004" INTEGER,
  "P003005" INTEGER,
  "P003006" INTEGER,
  "P003007" INTEGER,
  "P003008" INTEGER,
  "P005001" INTEGER,
  "P005002" INTEGER,
  "P005003" INTEGER,
  "P005004" INTEGER,
  "P005005" INTEGER,
  "P005006" INTEGER,
  "P005007" INTEGER,
  "P005008" INTEGER,
  "P005009" INTEGER,
  "P005010" INTEGER,
  "P005011" INTEGER,
  "P005012" INTEGER,
  "P005013" INTEGER,
  "P005014" INTEGER,
  "P005015" INTEGER,
  "P005016" INTEGER,
  "P005017" INTEGER,