2010 DC population by US Census block, with each block linked to the police district and public service area in which it sits. For details and column descriptions see this blog post.

Data license: CC BY-SA 4.0 · Data source: US Census & DC Open Data Portal, combined by John Keefe

13 rows where P005012 = 10 sorted by rowid descending

View and edit SQL

Suggested facets: P003004, P003005, P003006, P003007, P003008, P005005, P005006, P005007, P005008, P005009, P005013, P005017, DISTRICT, PSA, NAME, POLDIST_ID, GIS_ID, SECTOR



Link rowid ▲ GEO_ID NAME_x P003001 P003002 P003003 P003004 P003005 P003006 P003007 P003008 P005001 P005002 P005003 P005004 P005005 P005006 P005007 P005008 P005009 P005010 P005011 P005012 P005013 P005014 P005015 P005016 P005017 GEOID10 DISTRICT PSA NAME POLDIST_ID GIS_ID SECTOR
6488 1000000US110010035001004 Block 1004, Block Group 1, Census Tract 35, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 192 80 70 2 6 0 26 8 192 142 69 60 0 6 0 0 7 50 11 10 2 0 0 26 1 110010035001004 3 304 304 3 psa_36 3D1
6445 1000000US110010103002013 Block 2013, Block Group 2, Census Tract 103, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 75 8 58 0 4 0 3 2 75 61 7 48 0 4 0 0 2 14 1 10 0 0 0 3 0 110010103002013 4 401 401 4 psa_56 4D1
6068 1000000US110010028012006 Block 2006, Block Group 2, Census Tract 28.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 590 58 416 2 16 0 77 21 590 464 24 406 0 16 0 4 14 126 34 10 2 0 0 73 7 110010028012006 4 408 408 4 psa_39 4D3
5540 1000000US110010105001001 Block 1001, Block Group 1, Census Tract 105, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 639 201 342 2 51 0 12 31 639 592 185 332 2 51 0 4 18 47 16 10 0 0 0 8 13 110010105001001 1 103 103 1 psa_12 1D1
4930 1000000US110010002011001 Block 1001, Block Group 1, Census Tract 2.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 3888 2915 257 7 481 5 43 180 3888 3614 2716 247 4 479 5 7 156 274 199 10 3 2 0 36 24 110010002011001 2 206 206 2 psa_29 2D2
4195 1000000US110010032004004 Block 4004, Block Group 4, Census Tract 32, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 170 34 106 0 3 0 25 2 170 124 22 96 0 3 0 1 2 46 12 10 0 0 0 24 0 110010032004004 4 409 409 4 psa_41 4D3
4126 1000000US110010074062000 Block 2000, Block Group 2, Census Tract 74.06, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 1624 7 1584 4 2 0 12 15 1624 1595 2 1574 4 2 0 2 11 29 5 10 0 0 0 10 4 110010074062000 7 703 703 7 psa_8 7D1
1933 1000000US110010032001003 Block 1003, Block Group 1, Census Tract 32, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 174 65 89 0 0 0 14 6 174 130 46 79 0 0 0 0 5 44 19 10 0 0 0 14 1 110010032001003 4 409 409 4 psa_41 4D3
1670 1000000US110010020011001 Block 1001, Block Group 1, Census Tract 20.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 622 84 296 4 25 0 199 14 622 349 33 286 0 22 0 5 3 273 51 10 4 3 0 194 11 110010020011001 4 403 403 4 psa_51 4D1
329 1000000US110010007011004 Block 1004, Block Group 1, Census Tract 7.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 496 323 64 2 56 0 26 25 496 403 269 54 1 56 0 4 19 93 54 10 1 0 0 22 6 110010007011004 2 204 204 2 psa_44 2D2
259 1000000US110010095011001 Block 1001, Block Group 1, Census Tract 95.01, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 1025 81 567 15 2 4 301 55 1025 605 25 557 2 2 4 0 15 420 56 10 13 0 0 301 40 110010095011001 4 405 405 4 psa_49 4D2
247 1000000US110010092042003 Block 2003, Block Group 2, Census Tract 92.04, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 1196 26 976 23 1 0 140 30 1196 1014 17 966 6 1 0 2 22 182 9 10 17 0 0 138 8 110010092042003 5 502 502 5 psa_40 5D1
42 1000000US110010050024000 Block 4000, Block Group 4, Census Tract 50.02, District of Columbia, District of Columbia 780 253 40 0 49 0 408 30 780 250 160 30 0 47 0 6 7 530 93 10 0 2 0 402 23 110010050024000 3 307 307 3 psa_28 3D3

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "dc_2010blocks_2020policedistricts_population" (
  "NAME_x" TEXT,
  "P003001" INTEGER,
  "P003002" INTEGER,
  "P003003" INTEGER,
  "P003004" INTEGER,
  "P003005" INTEGER,
  "P003006" INTEGER,
  "P003007" INTEGER,
  "P003008" INTEGER,
  "P005001" INTEGER,
  "P005002" INTEGER,
  "P005003" INTEGER,
  "P005004" INTEGER,
  "P005005" INTEGER,
  "P005006" INTEGER,
  "P005007" INTEGER,
  "P005008" INTEGER,
  "P005009" INTEGER,
  "P005010" INTEGER,
  "P005011" INTEGER,
  "P005012" INTEGER,
  "P005013" INTEGER,
  "P005014" INTEGER,
  "P005015" INTEGER,
  "P005016" INTEGER,
  "P005017" INTEGER,